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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

[REL] Absolute Godmode 0.3z v2.0


Nothing can kill you, nothing can hurt you. This godmode is absolute, perpetual, works both on-foot and in vehicles.

Activation: Chat command /AGM - can be configured in a configuration file.
Function: Creates a player immunity to death and damage.
Note: After using vehicle airbreak, you will have to reset AGM (with /GM command) in a vehicle - SF/CLEO bug.
Requirements: CLEO 4.1, SAMP Functions 3.2.

Made by Mr.Ze.

Updated 18.7.2014. - v1.1
- Fixed minor bugs.

Updated 22.7.2014. - v2.0
- Added a lot more immunity codes.
- Godmode no longer has to be re-set on entering/exiting vehicles.
- Health and Armor cannot be set by the script.
- Works on custom health and custom damage servers.
- You can set your own command in .ini configuration file.
- Script can no longer set your HP to 0.
- All premium-planned feautres are now available FOR FREE!

Download: Here
5 Mr.Ze: [REL] Absolute Godmode 0.3z v2.0 ABSOLUTE GODMODE 0.3z Nothing can kill you, nothing can hurt you. This godmode is absolute, perpetual, works both on-foot and in vehic...

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